Post Anniversary Meeting Comments
John Taylor, Mayor of Newmarket
"Thank you Sunny – it was a very enjoyable event and thank you for connecting us to Newmarket UK !"
"Thank you Sunny – it was a very enjoyable event and thank you for connecting us to Newmarket UK !"
Michael Jefferys, Mayor of Newmarket, Suffolk, UK
"Perhaps when the pandemic is over, we can begin to plan for more opportunities to build on this initial link. It was wonderful to meet you all. It was just a shame that it was such a brief time together. I look forward to a brighter future and a stronger link with Newmarket, Ontario."
"Perhaps when the pandemic is over, we can begin to plan for more opportunities to build on this initial link. It was wonderful to meet you all. It was just a shame that it was such a brief time together. I look forward to a brighter future and a stronger link with Newmarket, Ontario."
Jamie Doolittle, Past President, PROBUS Canada
"Thank you again for the opportunity to address your Club. The meeting went very smoothly and was very interesting hearing from both Mayors and the M.P. An additional benefit was chatting with members around the globe. Keep up the good work!"
"Thank you again for the opportunity to address your Club. The meeting went very smoothly and was very interesting hearing from both Mayors and the M.P. An additional benefit was chatting with members around the globe. Keep up the good work!"
Brenda Andrews, Vice President, PROBUS Canada
"Thank you for a very inspiring meeting. You and your management team did an outstanding job. 30 years this quite an achievement . You all deserve a round of applause. I am looking forward to presenting your anniversary certificate in person when we meet again."
"Thank you for a very inspiring meeting. You and your management team did an outstanding job. 30 years this quite an achievement . You all deserve a round of applause. I am looking forward to presenting your anniversary certificate in person when we meet again."
Cathie Vincent, Past President, Maple Leaf Women's PROBUS Club
"Thank you for including me in your 30th anniversary celebration today. It was such an interesting meeting with lots of good information from the Mayor. I also really enjoyed hearing from the Newmarker,UK Mayor."
"Thank you for including me in your 30th anniversary celebration today. It was such an interesting meeting with lots of good information from the Mayor. I also really enjoyed hearing from the Newmarker,UK Mayor."
Jean Smelski, Stratford PROBUS Club
"Thanks, Richard. Great meeting. I was not aware that Newmarket was such an advancing city. "
"Thanks, Richard. Great meeting. I was not aware that Newmarket was such an advancing city. "
Gordon Porter, Convenor of Speakers, Ellon & District Probus Club, Scotland